Frequently asked questions

Do you take my insurance?

Homestretch Neuro Physical Therapy, Inc. is a cash-based business, meaning we do not form direct partnerships with any insurance providers. However, we CAN accept out-of-network insurance benefits you may have, and we would happily work with you to help you find out what your out-of-network costs and benefits may be. Please contact us if you have questions on how to use your out-of-network benefits.

Why do you not take insurance?

Providing cash-based services gives YOU the freedom to direct and plan your physical therapy care. By us not taking insurance, you will be able to engage in physical therapy beyond the home and beyond a standard clinic or gym. Having issues with running? We’ll go run a trail together. Losing balance when you shop for groceries? We’ll book a session at Safeway. Having trouble fulfilling your job duties? We’ll plan a “take-your-PT-to-work” day. We believe your recovery should go beyond the standard, insurance-based constrictions and into the real-world.

Please see our About section for more on the value of Homestretch Neuro PT.

How much does an appointment cost?

Discovery visits are $290 and Follow-Ups are $255. Please visit our Services and Rates section for more information.

Do I need a doctor’s referral?

In California, you are allowed to see a licensed physical therapist without a doctor’s referral for a maximum of 45 calendar days or 12 visits, whichever comes first. So you can be seen at Homestretch Neuro Physical Therapy without a referral, but I strongly recommend you get a referral from your doctor either before or soon after starting our services so that you do not have to worry about any time constraints.

Do I need to bring anything?

Don’t worry about any equipment you think you might need. Your physical therapist will bring any necessary gear to your appointments. Together, you might find that there are plenty of household items that can be used for physical therapy!

How do I schedule an appointment?

Please visit our Contact section and send us a message.